Designed for high-volume frying and maximum energy efficiency
Maximize your profits and make the most of your energy dollars with innovative design changes that have improved the efficiency of the Decathlon fryers over 40%. The MVPs of high-efficiency, tube-type frying, the HD gas fryers have low idle costs, offer low gas consumption per pound of food cooked and extend oil life.
6” versus 4” diameter tubes provide 36% more surface area for heat transfer from the input energy to the oil. This minimizes the heat stress on the oil, preserving oil life. The exclusive Thermo-Tube design and proprietary baffles efficiently transfer the fryer’s energy input into the oil. Less heat goes unused up the vent and into the kitchen. This saves energy dollars and keeps the kitchen cooler.
Instant and controlled response to changes in cooking loads lowers gas consumption per pound of food cooked and reduces idle costs. High-production cooking capacity and fast recovery meet high-volume, peak demands while realizing energy savings.
The Thermatron temperature controller ensures pinpoint oil temperature accuracy (within plus or minus one degree) and allows the fryer’s heat exchange system to respond instantly to changes in load conditions.
The wide cold zone and forward-sloping bottom help collect and remove sediment from the frypot to safeguard oil quality and make routine frypot cleaning easy. The bottom of the frypot is equipped with full-port drain valves as follows: HD50 — 1-1/4“ (3.2 cm), HD60 — 1-1/2” (3.8 cm). The 3” (7.6 cm) drain line allows quick oil and sediment draining.
Multiple customization options allow you to combine two or more units into a single battery. Add optional, built-in filtration, or specify a CM3.5 controller or basket lifts to further ensure premium product consistency.
Get superior results with the 100,000 Btu/hr. (25,189 kcal/hr.) (29.3 kw/hr.) or 125,000 Btu/hr. (31,486 kcal/hr.) (36.6 kw/hr.) input per frypot for frying large quantities fast.